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European Anti-Fraud Office
Report fraud
Press release19 April 2013European Anti-Fraud Office1 min read

OLAF Statement following press reports of Court proceedings in Malta



Throughout the investigation, all interviews were carried out in full accordance with OLAF procedures and legal requirements, in the presence of two or more investigators.

In accordance with these procedures, all persons interviewed were given the opportunity to review the interview record and to make corrections.

After the first interview, which had lasted for several hours, Ms Kimberley was offered a short lunch on the same premises at which the interview had taken place, while the record of the interview was being completed.  She was given the opportunity to review the draft record and she amended it.

Several months later, Ms Kimberley was interviewed on two further occasions, in the presence of her lawyer.  She confirmed the evidence given at the first interview.

More information and background



Publication date
19 April 2013
European Anti-Fraud Office
News type
  • OLAF press release