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European Anti-Fraud Office
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Contributions to the OLAF Round Table on Anti-fraud Communication


How Information and communication can be a means of EU fraud prevention and a true service to the citizens in the respect of their rights ?

This Round Table, on Anti-Fraud Communication (How Information and Communication can be a means of EU fraud prevention and a true service for the citizens in the respect of their rights?) is addressed, in particular, to experts of institutional communication (more specifically in anti-fraud, police and other law enforcement matters, etc.), academia (legal, economic, journalistic and communication fields), members of investigative and judicial services (national and international), members of European Institutions, journalists and any other person dealing with specific experience in these such fields.

Why an investigative service should have the powers and the duty to communicate on its work and what are its limits ?

  • Foreword by Siim KALLAS
    Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Administrative Affairs, Audit and Anti-fraud.


  • Ioan AMARIE
    National Anti-Corruption Prosecutor - Speech - "The Romanian PNA's experience."
  • Lars ANDRÉN
    Head of Information, Swedish Customs - "Limitations and possibilities: Swedish Customs give its views on information and communication policy in a very open society."
  • Oscar BARTOLI
    Journalist and distinguished Lecturer on Public Relations and Mass Media, Washington DC, USA - "The different perspective of a European living in the US."
  • Dragan BISENIC
    Journalist of Danas Daily, Chief Editor of the Serbian magazine "CorD", Serbia - "Three unsolved cases in Serbia."
  • Iuliana BOTEZAN
    PhD in Information Science, Professor of the Universidad Complutense, Faculty of Information Science, Madrid, Spain - "Striking the right balance in disclosing information: a dream or reality ?"
  • Enrico BRIVIO Journalist, Associated Press Association, Correspondent, "Il Sole 24 Ore", Italy - "A EU Press Room perspective in anti-fraud communication strategy."
  • Franz-Hermann BRÜNER
    Director General of OLAF - Seminar Opening and Welcoming Address
  • Alessandro BUTTICE
    Head of Communication, Public Relations and Spokesman Unit, OLAF, European Commission - "What Anti-Fraud Information and Communication policy for OLAF ?"
  • Paulo CASACA
    Member of the European Parliament, Co-ordinator of the Party of European Socialists (PSE) Group in the Budgetary Control Committee (COCOBU) - "Secrecy and information : the need to find the right balance."
  • Lorenzo CESA
    Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chairman of the Member Group of the European People's Party (EPP) (CD) and European Democrats (ED), Member of the Budgetary Control Committee (COCOBU) - "Cui prodest OLAF without voice ?"
  • Corinne CLEOSTRATE
    Head of the Information and Communication Office, French Customs - "The experience of French Customs."
    General, Head of Unit II of the General Commando, Guardia di Finanza, Italy- "Guardia di Finanza's anti-fraud communication plan."
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    Head of Unit - Investigations and Operations Directorate, OLAF, European Commission - "Communication : a tactful art."
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    former Director of the Communication, Informational and Social Relations Office, Guardia Civil, Spain- "Using of Communication in the Smuggling Prevention."
    Journalist, RAI 1 news service - "Why informing and communicating also means fighting and preventing fraud : a personal experience."
  • Gérard DUBOIS
    Professor of Public Health, Head of Public Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, Amiens, France - "Communication, relationships to the mediae, tobacco industry and smuggling."
  • Alain DUMORT
    Head of the audiovisual service, Directorate general Press and Communication, European Commission - "The audiovisual communication of the European Commission."
  • Szabolcs FAZAKAS
    Member of the European Parliament, Chairman of the Budgetary Control Committee (COCOBU) - Opening address at the OLAF-Seminar: “Deterring Fraud by Informing the Public”
  • Daniela FILIPESCU
    European correspondent, Prima TV Romania - "Communication towards Citizens : a Democratic Principle of the Work of the Institutions."
  • Ekaterina GENOVA , Head of the Public Relations Department, Bulgarian Customs - "Bulgarian Customs and the media."
  • Adam HEMPEL
    Head of Polish Anti-Fraud Co-Ordination Service - Bureau for International Treasury Relation, Ministry of Finance, Poland - "The scope and methods of cooperation with the mass media, institutions and concerned units involved in protecting public Community funds in Poland."
    President of Romania - Speech - "Information and Communication as a means of creating a public culture of honesty and transparency in the disbursement of public funds."
  • David JONES
    Head of Information Serious Fraud Office, - United Kingdom- " Information Partnership between the media and an investigative service."
  • Siim KALLAS
    Vice President for the European Commission on Administrative Affairs, Audit and Anti-Fraud, European Commission - Speech - Opening address at the OLAF Seminar: "Deterring Fraud by Informing the Public”.
  • Anssi KARTILA
    Senior Adviser of Investigation, National Board of Customs, Finland - speech - "Communication tools and international operations as a means of fraud prevention."
  • Raymond KENDALL
    Chairman of the OLAF Supervisory Committee, Honorary Secretary-General of Interpol, Lyon, France - Opening adress at the seminar on Anti-Fraud Communication
  • Silvana KOCH-MEHRIN
    Vice-Chairwoman, Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, Substitute, Budgetary Control Committee (COCOBU) - "Perspectives for OLAF."
  • Antonio LAUDATI
    National anti-Mafia Deputy Prosecutor - "Using mass media to fight organised crime."
    Head of Information Economic Crimes Bureau, Sweden - "Public access and secrecy: a comprehensive description by the Economic Crimes Bureau of some of the main laws on openness."
    Assistant Director-General responsible for External Communication, Spanish Taxation Agency, Spain -"An integrated strategy in the fight against fraud."
  • Richard LINNING
    FIPR EUPRERA Past President, , European Confederation of Public Relations, IPRA Campaign for Media Transparency, Expert on the Romanian Prime Minister's Department of Inspection and Monitoring of the Transparent Use of Community Funds - "Fighting and preventing fraud also means informing and communicating : a personal perspective."
  • Annika LOIGU, Advisor - Public Relations Department, Ministry of Finance / Anti-Fraud Co-Ordination Service, Estonia;
    Anu ADRA, Head of press Bureau, Estonian Police;
    Marke TARMO, Head ofPublic Relations division, Estonian Customs Board - "How Information and Communication can be a means of EU fraud prevention and a true service for the citizens in the respect of their rights ?"
  • Jeff LOVITT Director of Communications - Transparency International, Germany - Presented at the Seminar - "The Information Challenge : Transparency International and Combating Corruption."
  • Anke MARTINY Board Member of Transparency International Germany - "Communication - key to flushing out corruption."
  • Lieven MUYLAERT
    Head of the Communication Department, Belgian Customs and Excise Administration;
    National Investigation Department of Belgian Customs and Excise - "How the diffusion of information can contribute to optimize the fight against fraud."
  • Francesco NAPOLETANO
    Director of the Communication and External Relations Department, Agenzia delle Dogane, Italy- "Information partnership."
  • Adrian NASTASE
    Prime Minister of Romania - Speech - "The importance of the measures to combat fraud and to raise awareness the general public and of journalists in particular."
  • Florian NEUHANN
    Graduate from the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science, University of Munich, and freelance journalist, Germany - "OLAF and the Public: Why the European Anti-Fraud Office Should Put More Emphasis on the Public's Involvement."
  • Italo PAPPA
    General, Guardia di Finanza, Revenue Police, Italy - "On the side of the Honest : how informing and communicating can help to fight and prevent fraud."
  • Lieve PELLENS
    Spokesman, the Federal Prosecution Service (Parquet fédéral), Belgium - "The Press Magistrate."
  • Gianni PITTELLA
    Member of the European Parliament (Group DS/PES) - "The media have a role to play, if not in terms of prevention, at least in encouraging the dissemination of a culture of respect for the law by highlighting the damage which fraudulent activities cause to citizens."
  • Victor PONTA
    Doctor PhD, Minister for implementation of international programmes, Romanian government - Speech - "Information and communication: why an investigative service should have the powers and the duty to communicate its work and what its limits are."
  • Francesca RUGGIERI
    Lawyer, Academic Project Manager, Centre for European Criminal Law, Como, Italy - "Information and fraud prevention in the European Union: the viewpoint of a criminal procedure lawyer."
  • Michaele SCHREYER
    Member of the European Commission responsible for the Budget and the Fight Against Fraud - Speech- "To learn to share information which we communicate to the public to let them know what fraud is, how dangerous fraud can be and what we are doing together to tackle the problem."
    Finance Minister of Romania - Speech - "Information and Communication : improving transparency and the procedures for spending public funds."
  • Diemut THEATO
    Member of the European Parliament, Chairwoman of the Budgetary Control Committee (COCOBU), 5th term: 1999 - 2004 - Speech - "An International information network is absolutely necessary and indispensible."
  • Cristian UNTEANU
    European correspondent, Prima TV Romania - "Communication towards Citizens: a Democratic Principle in the Work of Institutions."
  • Juha VILKKO
    Senior Customs Inspector, National Board of Customs, Finland - "The role of mass media in the fight against fraud."
  • Johannes VON DOHNANYI
    Journalist, Sonntags Blick, Ringier AG, Zurich, Switzerland - "Investigative Journalists and the Protection of Sources."