Two calls for proposals for actions funded under the programme were published on the European Commission's ‘Funding and Tenders’ platform (Participants’ Portal).
The call documents are available for consultation and the opening date (from which applications can be submitted) was 14 March 2025.
‘Technical Assistance’ call for proposals
The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 May 2025 – 17:00:00 CET (Brussels time).
View and access the ‘Calls for proposals Technical Assistance’
The purpose of this call is to invite national, regional or local public authorities and/or law enforcement agencies, whose tasks include the protection of the EU financial interests, to submit applications for actions under one of the following four topics (*):
- EUAF-2024-TA-01 — Investigation and surveillance equipment and methods (topic 1)
- EUAF-2024-TA-02 — Digital forensic equipment and tools (topic 2)
- EUAF-2024-TA-03 — Data analytics technologies and data purchases (topic 3)
- EUAF-2024-TA-04 — Detection of illicit trade (topic 4)
A specialised training part to enable staff acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to use and operate the purchased equipment or tools must be included as part of the action for all technical assistance applications.
The indicative available budget for this call is EUR 11 400 000.
The financial contribution will take the form of a grant. The financial contribution awarded will not exceed 80% of the eligible costs. In exceptional and duly justified cases, the financial contribution may be increased to cover a maximum of 90% of the eligible costs. The call document lists the criteria that will be applied to determine the eligibility of these exceptional and duly justified cases.
Minimum threshold for each project budget (total estimated project costs): EUR 100 000 or more (up to 15% of the available call budget).
‘Training, Conferences, Staff Exchanges and Studies’ call for proposals
The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 May 2025 - 17:00:00 CET (Brussels time).
View and access the ‘Calls for proposals Training, Conferences, Staff Exchanges and Studies’
The purpose of this call is to invite eligible applicants to submit applications for actions under one of the following four topics:
- EUAF-2024-TRAI-01 — Specialised training sessions (topic 1)
- EUAF-2024-TRAI-02 — Conferences, workshops and seminars (topic 2)
- EUAF-2024-TRAI-03 — Staff exchanges (topic 3)
- EUAF-2024-TRAI-04 — Research activities and periodical publications (topic 4)
The indicative available budget for this call is EUR 1 000 000.
The financial contribution will take the form of a grant. The financial contribution awarded will not exceed 80% of the eligible costs. In exceptional and duly justified cases, the financial contribution may be increased to cover a maximum of 90% of the eligible costs. The call document lists the criteria that will be applied to determine these exceptional and duly justified cases.
The applicants are invited to explore the indicative priority areas specified in the call document.
Minimum threshold: Project budgets (total estimated project costs) should not be below EUR 40 000 (except for staff exchanges, where the total estimated costs can be less than EUR 40 000).
(*) To avoid any duplication in Union support, the UAFP targets the acquisition of equipment:
(a) that does not fall under the scope of the Customs Control Equipment Instrument (CCEI); or
(b) in case the equipment does fall under the scope of the CCEI, whereby the beneficiaries are different authorities from those targeted by the CCEI.
The Commission will consider potential overlaps between the UAFP and other forms of Union support while evaluating the conformity with the programme’s objectives and the added value of a proposal, with a view to protecting the financial interests of the Union.
Complementarity with other EU programmes and/or interoperability with other equipment/tools purchased under the UAFP or other EU programmes will be evaluated in the context of the award criteria ‘Conformity with the objectives of the Programme’ and ‘Added value for the protection of the EU financial interests’.